Although it isn't related to war, it is an experience of mine, as any family would be.
My mother was born in Oklahoma, and my dad was born in Arkansas. They met, got married, and moved to California, where me and my two brothers grew up. We lived in a two story house in a small town. The second story was just one big finished attic that we used as a game room. We had a giant enclosed porch, and I remember it was big enough that I would go roller skating in it. The backyard was large with a fig tree we would take fruit off of every year. We also lived up against a reservoir that me and my brothers would swim in during the summer months.
After I graduated college, a friend of mine got me and a beautiful woman named Ann Leone together, and she ended up being the love of my life. We got married, and moved to Hawaii where we had tow children, a boy named David, and a girl named Jennifer. After that, we moved to Michigan and then finally to Texas, where we stayed.
After several years, Jennifer had a beautiful little girl named Emmalee, and she was our first grandchild.
Maybe five years later, David go married to a woman named Kara, and they went on to have 3 boys, Samuel, Lucas, and Ryan.