Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tip: How to Remove a Grass Stain

Now, as silly as it sounds, in war, this is a very common problem. I know it's happened to me more than once! As any rank of soldier, you want to be looking as sharp as you can, so I'm going to clue you all in on how to remove the pesky grass stains. And not only can I tell you how to get them out, I can tell you how to get them out with generally normal household substances. 1.Rubbing Alcohol. Yup, simple, but effective. Step one: Take a sponge, wet it with the Rubbing Alcohol, and apply it to the grass stain. Step two: Let it air dry. Step three: rinse with water Step four: work in liquid detergent Step five: rinse with water again Step six: let it air dry then wash as normal 2. White Vinegar. Pretty easy to find, pretty easy to use. Step one: Pre-treat with warm water and plain vinegar Step two: rub the mix directly on stain then wash normally! Easy as that. 3. Molasses. Not as common, but easy to use! Step one: Take a few drops and rub directly on stain Step two: Let it sit for a few minutes, then wash as you normally would. With these three easy methods, your clothes should be stain free!

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